Using astrology to "predict" events
The original use of astrology was, you guessed it if you’ve read at least one of my posts, not shallow entertainment in the Sunday paper. For a very long time, it was employed to help determine auspicious dates concerning kings and nations, like going into battle, royal weddings or coronations. While it is hard to see exact developments down to minute details, it is absolutely possible to define quite accurately the nature of the conditions surrounding an event and the likely outcome resulting from these conditions.
The coronation of King Charles III took place on a day that couldn’t have been much worse in terms of astrology. I made a video following the event and predicted (not as in “crystal ball”, but as in: read the signs) that his reign is unlikely to be long-lasting, and that a surprise coming out of the blue is very much in the ballpark of possibilities. Additionally, I pointed out the emergence of “hidden enemies” (which can very well include an undiagnosed illness) due to a specific placement in the 12th house of the event’s chart. The 12th house symbolizes isolation, secrets, unknown enemies, the subconscious, and places of isolation such as prisons or hospitals. I also looked at Charles’ birth chart at the time of making the video, and it has some pretty bad transits that do not indicate good health over the coming years. To put it bluntly, he’s in for a rough time (and his spouse is not exactly the picture of good health, either, by the way). It has been quite obvious for a while that Charles is not well, and the astrology confirms it. The coronation event analysis that I made has indeed revealed the “hidden enemy” in the form of the cancer diagnosis that came out of the blue, at least where the public is concerned.
© Olivia Solner
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