This is an analysis of Donald Trump’s current astrology using the Arabic Parts, to demonstrate how they work in action (more posts and videos to come).
I wrote the majority of this article shortly before the eclipse in April 2024 and had originally planned to publish it much earlier, but I kept putting it off for some reason. Maybe that’s a good thing as I am now in a position to verify what I mentioned months before knowing the outcome of the trial, which has played out in exactly the life areas affected by the transits and triggered by conjunctions to the natal Arabic Parts. Here is a short video where I explain the most important Arabic Parts, what they are and what they mean in classical Western astrology.
The Solar Eclipse took place on April 8-9, 2024, and was extremely important for the USA as it was mainly visible along a specific path over parts of Mexico, the USA and Canada. The effects of an eclipse are usually said to impact the upcoming 6 months, potentially much longer. In Trump’s chart, transiting Venus conjunct his natal Part of Nemesis (planetary ruler of Nemesis: Saturn, transiting the 7th house and conjunct transiting Mars – THE symbol of attacks, warfare, aggression) implies: known enemies attacking/ preparing an attack, possibly involving a woman or women and/ or not-so transparent business or money dealings, which, of course, was the exact theme of his trial in which he was convicted.
Nemesis is called “the Heavy Part“ because its ruler is Saturn, and this involves Saturnian themes such as death, loneliness, endurance of suffering or deprivation, grief, impotence and weakness (as in: not being able to fight back), limitations, but also hidden things – this is highly significant in the 8th house which is the house of secrets, death and rebirth (and sex), in the proverbial sense of self-transformation, but also literal death; this needn’t be one’s physical death, although it could be; it may refer to the death or end of a career, for example, which would be in line with Uranus preparing to transit over his MC at the time of the eclipse. The MC represents one’s career, public image, reputation and status, and Uranus is the notorious destabilizer and bringer of change, often through unpredictable, unexpected, erratic events, chaos, upheavals of the status quo (on the day the verdict was announced, May 30, 2024, Uranus was exactly conjunct Trump’s MC at 24 degrees Taurus). Due to Uranus stationing retrograde in September 2024, the chaos-bringer will come back for an exact conjunction with the MC at the end of the year. The conjunction will finally separate in February 2025. What this means is that until this liaison is over, Trump’s public image and career will be under Uranus’ erratic and extremely tricky influence. Contrary to the New Age belief that Uranus is a creative idealist, maverick, and freedom-loving revolutionary force, this planet puts all of Mercury’s purported trickster attributes to shame, and then some. To say Trump will have an “exciting“ time is a vast understatement. It looks like unrelenting change and very possibly chaos, because the MC is on the cusp of the 10th house (career), so this will seriously affect his entire public persona (not to mention the exact conjunction between transiting and natal Uranus in 2029).
What’s also interesting is that the Venus-Nemesis conjunction during the eclipse is exactly opposite his natal Neptune retrograde in the 2nd house (the house of money, material values and property). This definitely implies a strong monetary theme. Whatever happens here will cost him dearly. Given that Mercury retrograde was transiting his 9th house at that time, this can certainly imply serious legal issues, delays or roadblocks, and it absolutely ties in with the trial. I don’t think this will break him, though, because Nemesis’ or rather, Saturn’s gifts entail maturity, a huge deal of gritty perseverance and stoic discipline. As we have seen from the way Trump conducted himself during and after his trial, he is obviously not backing down. But he is certainly in a position of defeat for the time being.
Furthermore, transiting North Node and Chiron were conjunct Victory during the eclipse (the planetary ruler of Victory is Jupiter, transiting the 9th house – legal issues, for example – conjunct Uranus in Taurus); the part of Victory stands for associations, collaboration, success, an optimistic/ resilient mindset, blessings, spirituality, sense of justice, generosity, enjoyment of one’s success; also the type of person who will want to help us or whom we seek out for help (in Trump’s case: “alpha“ people with a strong will and ambitious drive); conjunct transiting Chiron, his general enjoyment of life seems hampered or challenged, and with the eclipse happening so close by, one can literally say that his victory and optimistic outlook are eclipsed, as simple as this may sound (but this is how straightforward classical astrology can be, and is supposed to be, in stark contrast to the modern ideas of infusing convoluted psycho-babble into everything). We have no way of knowing what exactly will happen, if it’s something health-related that will stop him, for example heart trouble or something with the head (also possibly hypertension) as Aries rules the head and the medical astrology indicators hint at potential problems, given that the Aries stellium makes a trine to his planets in Leo (rules the heart) in the 12th house (this could also make him more hot-headed and fiery in the true sense of the word); the 12th house represents one’s intuition, subconscious mind, places of isolation such as hospitals or prisons, as well as hidden enemies (health issues can also be seen as a hidden enemy). Furthermore, his natal part of Necessity is exactly conjunct the malefic Mars, which is hugely important in medical astrology as the bringer of acute illness when triggered. However, this could all very well be limited to his many issues with political enemies.
The lot of Necessity symbolizes disagreements of all kinds, gossip, slander, legal problems, animosities, battles, anything of an oppressive nature, hatred, and in conjunction with Mars we have a strong, lifelong emphasis on hidden enemies in a recurring theme of people betraying Trump, turning against him, or intentionally misrepresenting him and stabbing him in the back. With his natal Moon in Sagittarius opposite his natal Sun conjunct Uranus in his 10th house of career and public image, we see a person with a striking, eccentric public appearance and a propensity for saying things that aren’t always diplomatic or the most well-timed (Moon in Sagittarius is the personification of “foot-in-mouth syndrome“), which is certainly a precondition for making enemies.
On June 11, 2024, the Moon enters his 12th house and makes an exact conjunction with his natal Mars and lot of Necessity. At the same time, Uranus is exactly on his MC, squaring Mars-Necessity. We might very well see a significant event around his birthday connected to his public status, or something takes place that is hidden from the public eye but brews beneath the surface. It could also be about him and his team changing their strategy, for instance, coming out with an unexpected statement, or something initiated by his political enemies that might not be obvious just yet.
By the time of the election on Nov 5th, 2024, transiting Mars will have just entered Trump’s 12th house and will be on the way to making a conjunction with his natal Pluto, Mars and Lot of Necessity, which again hints very clearly at hidden enemies, playing dirty, betrayal, possibly health problems or making poor decisions, and isolation or confinement (literal or proverbial). Since Mars will be going retrograde, the conjunction with natal Mars-Necessity will only be exact around June 10, 2025, right before his birthday on June 12, when transiting Saturn and Neptune are approaching conjunctions with his natal Part of Nemesis – the Neptune-Nemesis conjunction will be exact one year later, in June 2026. Neptune conjunct Nemesis could mean a very serious illness, physical death (especially with Saturn in the vicinity!), disappearance under mysterious circumstances, or a variety of outcomes involving deception and manipulation. Definitely not even remotely positive. In 2026, Saturn will be gearing up for a conjunction with natal Victory – Saturn represents endings and limitations, so again potentially a literal end or impediment to victory, and Mars will be conjunct his MC shortly after his birthday in June 2026, again showing attacks on his public status (or him doubling down and getting aggressive where his reputation is concerned). The North Node-Lot of Courage conjunction in the same year is noteworthy, too, because the Part of Courage represents one’s boldness, standing one’s ground, and ability to withstand fear and danger; this looks like another serious threat or at least a challenge, and is opposite his 12th house Necessity-Mars placement and making a T-square with transiting Uranus... and the North Node will transit his natal Part of Fortune (life essence, physical body) in late 2026…at the very least this forebodes a bumpy ride.
I can’t see into the future, but it seems like the next 2 years are going to be pretty rough for Mr. Trump, if not life-threatening, and certainly career-changing.
Addendum: As for the idea brought forward by some people that the US election in November 2024 might not happen at all – I agree that something “weird” is going on, but I don’t know if this means it won’t take place. During my studies with Fiona Aedgar (who said that it is not unlikely that Trump might be assassinated, which I agree with), I spotted a few suspicious clues pointing at some sort of global crisis beginning to appear in the second half of 2024 and becoming evident around late March 2025. But I am unsure as to the nature of this crisis, and whether it will manifest at all (as I said earlier, I can’t see into the future). It could have something to do with war, a new disease or something concerning public health (maybe also something tech-related). In any case, I would gladly be wrong here.
© Olivia Solner
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Great analysis. I looked at the fixed stars for his latter years and Sadalsuud looked auspicious albeit the conjunction with Mars seems to indicate trouble from hidden things. And I had to laugh at the influence of Jupiter and Mirach indicating help from women, scandal and legal troubles. It will be interesting to observe how it all turns out. Thank you for sharing.
Quote: .... It could have something to do with war, a new disease or something concerning public health (maybe also something tech-related). In any case, I would gladly be wrong here. ...
You are wrong regarding a new disease, according to these very solid studies:
Can You Catch A Cold? by Daniel Roytas
Virus Mania by Claus Köhnlein, et al.
The Final Pandemic by Samantha and Mark Bailey
Other studies of a similar nature are listed here
and one is here
'Discovered' you via Thomas Sheridan.